Hradec substation

Hradec substation(tschech. přep. stanice Hradec) is an important substation connecting the 220-kV and 400-kV-grid in electricity grid Czech republic. It is situated near Hradec u Kadaně in Northern Bohemia. In Hradec the high voltage transmission lines from the surrounding lignite-fired power stations come together and the distribution of load takes place. Hradec is starting point of two high voltage transmission lines to Germany, a 400 kV line to Röhrsdorf in Saxonia and a 400-kV- line to Etzenricht in Bavaria. The transmission capacity of the line to Röhrsdorf, which went in 1976 into service is 2640 MW. The 220-kV-link to Zwönitz, which was build in the 1950s, does not exist any more. Direct 400 kV-interconnections from the substation exist to Tušimice and Prunéřov power station.

400 kV-lines exist to:

220 kV-lines exist to:

External links